Grants between £10,000 and £25,000
If you are eligible for a grant from the council because you pay little or no business rates for your business premises or are in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors then your local council should have written to you explaining how to claim.
The website for Wigan Council and Warrington Council is now open to make an online claim for the grants for businesses that pay little or no rates (£10,000) and businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors (up to £25,000).
The Wigan Council link is here
The Warrington Council link is here
Official guidance from the government is here
I don’t have the links for any of the other councils as they are council specific.
As this is an unprecedented situation, I emphasize these views are only guidance and should not be taken as law. If you are in any doubt you should seek specialised advice, especially is there are unusual circumstances that don’t fit the norm.
If you’d like to know how we can help you with this, or with anything else, feel free to phone 01942 734455 or email me at pb@hca.org.uk
Paul has been engaged in the accounting profession since 1988 after leaving the University of Manchester with a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science & Accounting. He qualified with Price Waterhouse Coopers in 1991. After a successful period in industry and a spell working in a local firm of Chartered Accountants, Paul decided to go it alone and established Haywards in 1994. In his spare time, Paul enjoys going to the gym, running, learning guitar and tormenting his Jack Russell, Arnie, and his Jackapoo, Stig. Along with his daughter (his wife hates football!), Paul is also a keen, but distressed, Wigan Athletic fan.